Must-Know Facts About Dental Implants
How much do you know about dental implants? Most people have very little knowledge about tooth implants. Knowing more about tooth implants is very significant since it helps you make better decisions when receiving dental restorations.
Dental implants offer you a chance to restore your teeth’s strength, functionalities, and appearance by replacingmissingteeth. When you get dental implants, your dentist customizes them to match your remaining natural teeth.
10 Facts About Dental Implants
If you know little or nothing at all about dental implants, below are some of the significant facts you need to know about them.
Dental Implants Are Artificial Roots
Some people believe dental implants are similar to crowns. However, this is information is not true. Dental implants are biocompatible titanium screws that act as artificial teeth’ roots and hold your tooth caps.
The biocompatible screws integrate with your jawbone and provide support restorative dental options such as crowns, dentures, and bridges.
Consultation Is the First Step of a Dental Implants Procedure
When you decide to get replacements for your missing teeth, you will need to consult with your dentist first. Your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, will examine your jaw and teeth to ensure dental implants are the best teeth restorations for you.
During the consultation, your dentist will give you a copy of the treatment plan and instructions on how to prepare for the dental implant surgery.
Dental Implant Surgeries Are Not Risky
Some people believe that dental surgery is not a safe procedure. If your dentist is qualified to carry out the surgery, you are guaranteed success. Therefore, you don’t have to panic about getting dental implants.
However, some factors might pose risks during the dental implant procedure. Therefore, your dentist in Gilbert might ask you about your medical history during the consultation to help prevent complications during surgery.
You Might Need a Bone Graft
When you lose your teeth, the jawbone might start deteriorating. If your bone mass left is not enough to hold the dental implant, your dentist might recommend a bone graft. A bone graft will provide a more solid base for your dental implants.
If you need bone grafting, your dentist or oral surgeon might get from one of your bones, a donor, or use a prosthetic one.
It Is Easy to Take Care of Your Mouth After Dental Implant Surgery
For fast recovery after dental implant surgery, it is advisable to take care of your mouth. To reduce infections around the dental implants, you should keep it clean. Below are some of the recovery tips your Gilbert dentist might recommend:
- Rinse your mouth with warm saline water several times a day
- Follow a soft diet
- Avoid hot or cold foods and beverages
- Don’t smoke or consume alcohol
You Might Get Your Tooth Caps Weeks or Months After the Dental Implant Surgery
After the surgery, you will need time to recover and the titanium screws to integrate with your jawbone. The recovery period varies from person to person. Therefore, you might get your tooth restorations only weeks after the dental implant surgery or even three months later.
Dental Implants Are Stronger Than Your Natural Teeth
Dental implants resemble your natural teeth and have the same capabilities as them. Since dental implants are made of titanium, they are more durable and stronger than your natural teeth. Therefore, dental implants act as anchors for crowns, bridges, and dentures. Also, unlike natural teeth, your dental implants can’t experience tooth cavities.
Dental Implants Require Care and Maintenance
Just like natural teeth, you need to take care of your dental implants, although they are not prone to tooth cavities and decay. If you take care of your dental implants, you enhance their durability. To protect the bone and gums around your dental implants, you should brush and floss your teeth as recommended by your dentist.
Tooth Are More Than Improving Your Appearance
When you get dental implants in Gilbert, AZ, you don’t only improve your smile but your bite, speech, and other oral functionalities.
Dental Implants Can Be Covered by Your Insurance
When you get dental implants at Town Square Dental in AZ, your insurance might cover the cost, or sometimes you can share the expenses.