What Happens If You Develop Infections under a Crown?
Dental crowns are artificial restorations placed over your natural tooth to restore its appearance, strength, size, and functionality. Dental crown placement requires you to undergo an intensive procedure by having your natural tooth filed from the top and sides before you receive a custom-created crown for placement over the natural tooth. The restoration over your tooth does not attract tooth decay or cavities because high-quality porcelain helps make them. However, the tooth underneath remains susceptible to infections if you neglect acceptable dental hygiene practices.
After undergoing dental crown treatments, your dentist would have provided after-care instructions informing you that tooth decay can affect your tooth beneath the crown if you maintain unacceptable dental hygiene practices. Conversely, if you neglect dental hygiene practices like brushing and flossing, you put yourself at risk of developing tooth decay.
Tooth decay develops when you allow plaque buildup to remain trapped around the crown or in the cracks of your teeth. If plaque remains on your teeth, it confirms you neglect your dental hygiene. The decay process begins when you don’t remove plaque from your teeth and around the crowns.
What Happens If You Develop Infections beneath a Crown?
Infections beneath a dental crown expose you to various problems that may eventually result in requiring crown replacement. Decaying under a Crown can affect your oral health and cause issues like bad breath or sore gums. In addition, the decay can spread deep into the tooth, causing an infection that may require tooth removal. Therefore if you want to avoid the complications as described, you must ensure you practice excellent dental hygiene using recommended techniques and tools to prevent plaque buildup from developing over your teeth and around the crown.
Is Tooth Pain under a Dental Crown Expected?
If you experience pain under a dental crown, it results from infections causing discomfort when chewing or biting, tooth sensitivity, and swelling of your gums. Conditions in your mouth are never pleasant and are best addressed as soon as you start developing the early symptoms.
If you develop decay under a Crown, you will experience pain within your tooth. If left untreated, the infection can spread through your remaining tooth structure. Tooth decay results from food particles remaining in your mouth after eating, which the bacteria within thrive. The bacteria in your mouth feasts on sugar and starchy foods you eat and produces toxins to damage the enamel of your tooth. Eventually, they cause cavities within your tooth, requiring treatments from dentists using various techniques.
How to Treat Decay under a Crown?
Dentists treat cavities by removing the decay in your tooth and filling the hole with various materials like silver amalgam, gold, composite resin, and ceramic. The filling helps restore your tooth’s strength after the decay has penetrated your tooth enamel. However, as you have decay under a Crown, you may require intensive treatment.
Your dentist considers removing the crown and replacing it before they can treat the tooth decay beneath it. Depending on the severity of the decline, you may need a new crown to cover a larger area. Unfortunately, if the severity of the decay is extensive, the dentist might recommend tooth extraction and replacement with an artificial tooth. Therefore while treatments are available to treat decay under a Crown, the better option is to maintain proper dental hygiene to ensure you don’t have to go through unnecessary trouble and expenditure.
What Happens When You Leave Tooth Decay under a Crown Untreated?
Untreated tooth decay, whether in your mouth or under a dental crown, causes you to experience some unpleasant effects. Whether visible or hidden, cavities in a tooth can cause you to develop halitosis or bad breath. When decay develops under a Crown, you will undoubtedly experience lousy breath emanating from your mouth.
You may also experience discomfort and pain from the infection that send you seeking treatments from the emergency dentist near you to alleviate the pain for relief. However, tooth decay in your mouth doesn’t heal itself without intervention from a dental professional. Unfortunately, as you are trapped in an unusual predicament, the sole option available to you is to have the decay under the crown treated by a dentist by getting the restoration removed, the infection treated, and the dental crown replaced over your tooth to protect it. The multiple appointments and considerable expenditure should make you realize how essential it is to maintain your dental health and restorations appropriately.